How I Fixed My Back Pain After 10 Years…

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In This Video, You Will Discover:

  • What really causes back pain. (It almost never has anything to do with the bones)

  • The easy way to unlock a spasming back. The relief can be rapid and wonderful…

  • Why yoga, pilates and other basic stretching exercises may be doing more harm than good.

  • How doing these simple movements regularly means you may never suffer back pain again…


About Ian

Hi, my name’s Ian Hart…

I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). I run a personal training company with multiple locations in several states. And…

I’m proud to own countless successful case studies of helping free people from back pain. The kind of back pain that makes you a prisoner in your own body.

Why are my methods so successful?

I believe it’s because this unique pain-relief formula is designed to bring results in a safe and effective manner.

My programs and businesses have been featured in publications and TV stations such as Men’s Health Magazine, OK! Magazine, SELF Magazine, GQ Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, FOX Morning Show, NY1 News, CBS, plus much more.

People in over 27 countries have used our program to help relieve their back pain. We are also fortunate to possess the internet’s largest video database of client success stories.








