Doctors Gave Up On Her Herniated Disc Pain, but Today She Feels Brand New

By Ian Hart, CSCS

After helping hundreds of people who suffer from back pain and battling it myself for 10 long years…
I can tell you there’s probably no more aggravating form of pain.
Sometimes you can’t sit. Sometimes you can’t stand.
Sometimes you can’t walk or drive. Or even lie in bed.
The pain is simply wretched.
A couple days ago, a woman came into our clinic practically on her hands and knees.
It was the only way she could find relief.
She was practically in tears. The pain radiating down her back was unbearable.
She actually inspired today’s article. Today, I’m going to tell you what I told her…
Every week in fact, my clinics and programs are a destination for people from all walks of life who suffer from mild to severe back pain.
The first thing you should appreciate is:
Pain from a herniated disc IS something that can be fixed without drugs, injections or surgery.
That’s right.
Allow me to be clear about this, because it’s important:
Doctors are under intense pressure to see as many patients as they can.
When a doctor tells you the only way to find relief is through drugs, injections or surgery…
You’re not quite being told the whole truth.
It’s unfortunate, but the state of our healthcare system forces doctors to live by the old saying…
“If all you’ve got is a hammer, everything becomes a nail.”
And no matter how well meaning, they’re forced to advocate certain pre-authorized treatments.
That’s reality.
(I have doctors in pain who visit my clinics, so I know.)
So when doctors put a label on your pain, such as “herniated disc,” and give you their recommendation…
I totally get how good that makes you feel in the moment.
What happens next?
They prescribe some heavy duty Ibuprofen to calm the inflammation, maybe ship you off to a physical therapist, and then…
They’re on to the next patient.
And we already know how well that helps, don’t we?
Let’s face it:
The Reality is a Lot of Doctors Fail to Fix Their Patients’ Herniated Disc Pain
Patients return repeatedly with the same pain, the same issue, the same cry for help.
The doctor eventually begins to wonder whether the patient even wants to get better.
(Especially when the patient rejects, for good reason, risky surgery.)
Imagine that!
It doesn’t quite occur to them it could be THE TREATMENT that’s not working.
And that’s because their “herniated disc” diagnosis just becomes an easy way of sending the patient home happy in the moment.
For the record, here’s what a herniated disc actually is…
Have you ever eaten a Dunkin’ Donuts jelly-filled donut?
Your spinal discs are kind of like that jelly donut…
With a soft, spongy center encased by a firm, outer shell.
That jelly can then irritate nearby nerves and cause excruciating pain, numbness or weakness in your back, arms and legs.

Now normally, doctors can identify the cause of your pain.
They’ll say, “You unfortunately have a herniated disc.” And then they’ll offer you up some options.
In the moment the pain can so intense and debilitating, you don’t really care what the option is as long as it gets you the relief you want.
But as often the case…
The relief is only temporary. Or comes with rather nasty side effects.
The worst part is:
If the issue is not adequately addressed, you never heal. And that means your pain will be PERMANENT.
(You may actually feel that way right now.)
And for the record, drugs and injections do not heal herniated discs. They only mask the pain.
And one of the back pain establishment’s dirty little secrets is how addictive and dangerous these “medications” can be.
And surgery?
In the words of one my clients, it’s “a 50/50 shot at best.”
Not to mention the down time, reduced mobility and risk.
This leaves many people feeling there’s only one other option: living with the pain.
It’s a cryin’ shame.
That’s why I prefer to take a more self-directed, holistic approach to fixing herniated discs.
So… How Do We Heal Your Disc and Fix the Pain, Tingling and Numbness?
Recently, a successful yoga instructor came to my clinic and…
Even after decades of yoga, for some reason, she still suffered with disc problems and back pain.
I don’t know about you, but…
I was under the impression that yoga instructors and their active, stretch-filled, muscle-focused, posture-perfect lifestyle…
… Would be the LAST PEOPLE ON EARTH to experience pain and problems like those.
Actually, I was rather shocked.
If a 45-year old, healthy yoga instructor can be dealt a crippling back pain blow…
What does this say about the rest of us?
Here’s Michelle’s inspiring story in her own words.
I think it’ll inspire hope if you’re also suffering…

I was feeling very weak in my core area. And I was having pain radiating down in my lower back.
I was going to the doctors and they were telling me things like “you need to have disc replacement.”
You need to be on these pain medications…
And they wanted to basically put me through a lot of surgical procedures…
And I didn’t want to do ANY of that. But the pain was so bad… I needed some relief.
So I went to two neurosurgeons and a back pain specialist.
The surgeons wanted to operate on me in different places… and the back pain specialist wanted to do various procedures including implanting something permanent in my spine.
I’ve had 4 procedures that involved needles in my spine. It only gave me a little bit of temporary relief for couple of days. But it didn’t cure or really help anything.
It just put a band-aid on the pain for couple of days and that was it.
However, after my first session with Ian, I felt an opening in my back that I haven’t felt in a long time.
I felt stronger to my core and I felt the radiating burning heat pain I was feeling seem to dissipate a little bit.
It seemed to just open up my back in general.
And then after my second session, I noticed EVEN MORE the stretch in my lower back and more strengthening in muscles that had been weak that I think might help support my lower back.
I was VERY SKEPTICAL about doing Ian’s methods.
Because, as a yoga instructor, I feel very knowledgeable in anatomy. And how to help people that come to me in pain.
But I was unaware of certain muscles that I was not using in the body that might help my lower back.
(Note from Ian: This is an actual story from a client. This statement may not reflect the typical user’s experience and is not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. This story should not be taken as the result a typical user will get. Individual results may vary.)
How did we help Michelle? Or maybe more aptly, how did Michelle help herself?
She did 8 specific movements…
8 movements you can do in the comfort of your own home…
These 8 movements are totally unlike “the sheets” of exercises you get from chiropractors or doctors.
Instead, we “wake up” certain muscles and restore muscle balance. That’s key.
Then in certain areas of her back, we jump-started pathways so vital oxygen and nutrition could get in and help her heal.
That’s the holistic way to relieve and remove sciatica.
As you can expect, everyone’s results vary, based on many factors.
But in Michelle’s case, it took just two 30-minute sessions.
Two 30-minute sessions and she was completely out of pain.
Yes, there are ways to get out of pain. They don’t require medication, surgery or injections. They don’t require months of physiotherapy.
You just have to restore your body’s natural functional movement and muscle balance and allow it to heal naturally.
Watch this video to learn more.
About the Author:

Ian Hart is the Founder of mybackpaincoach.com. He has helped thousands get out of pain without drugs or surgery.
If you’re plagued by constant back pain and want to learn more about a fast, natural way to get immediate relief, find out more in this free video.